HD Live with H.264
Using the latest video and audio compression technologies, LIveShell PRO offers High quality live broadcasting encoded in H.264 AAC, with a resolution of 720p and a bitrate that can go up to 10Mbs. H.264 profile can be set to 3 different types; high profile, main profile and baseline profile. With LiveShell PRO your audience has become wider as broadcasting can now be done on iOS devices, in addition to computers and Android devices.
High quality live broadcasting video
With the use of a HDMI cable LIveShell PRO can compress the analog signal into H.264. Resulting in beautiful hi-quality videos.
Easy to operate on Computers and Smartphones
Control remotely LiveShell PRO via its web application "Dashboard". With Dashboard, volume adjustements, captions display, video quality ajustments and more can be done on the fly without having to stop your broadcasting. Since Dashboard is web based, it works with not only your computer but also with your Android or IOS devices too. On top of that Dashboad requires no installations.
Automatic broadcasting management
By default LiveShell handles by itself the frame rate and the image quality of the streaming. If required the user can change these settings by himself.
Change video ratio live
You can play around with the video ratio and have it to be the same as the one in a movie theater or as old photography. This features are also available for both 4:3 and 16:9 cameras.
Live Captions
Enable Caption through your computer or your smart phone via LiveShell PRO's Dashboard. Type up the caption and see them being displayed live. You have several options to choose for the captions; size, color, background color, position and etc. You can also upload your own image and have it displayed instead of your captions.
Great inputs and output
LiveShell PRO is works perfectly with either cameras using a HDMI cable or cameras using a composite cable. Up to 3 different type of audio inputs are available to use: one stereo microphone input for computer condensed microphones, one line input terminal that can be used with a line level input and one HDMI audio input for the camera's microphone.
Built-in mixer
The 3 different audio inputs individually controllable are being mixed by LiveShell PRO before beign broadcasted. For simple audio mixes such a BGM playing while you have a vocal input added through a microphone can be done with no other devices required.
Reliable output monitor. Useful integrated peak meter
Integrated with an audio/video output LiveShell PRO can be connected to a Television in order to do audio/videos tests right before broadcasting. In case that a TV is out of reach you can always do your audio/video tests through the help of the integrated LCD screen's Peak Meter.
Supports several broadcasting services. Supports also RTMP servers as well
Streaming services such as UStream, YouTubeLive, NIcoNicolive, Justin TV are supported. When using Ustream you can change the server-side's Rec to ON or OFF through the help of "Dashboard". You can also do Live streams through you own server. In order to do so, make sure that your server does indeed support RTMP broacast. LiveShell has also being tested to work on the latest FMS 4.5, Wowza 3.5 and Red51.0RC2 servers.
Rechargeable battery easy to replace
When we started to conceptualize a version of LiveShell aimed toward professionals, we thought that having a rechargeable battery would be essential for the device. Easy to remove, the battery has an autonomy that can go up to 3 hours. For live broadcastings exceeding 3 hours, you can easily swap the battery for a new one. Purchase an extra battery and swap the used one for the new one.